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Mostrando entradas de noviembre 12, 2008


Ojala nunca hubiera quitado el dedo, asi no estaria sufriendo porque sufres hoy... Es que no puedo mas que cagarla y cagarla y cagarla y cagarla y cagarla! Por eso renuncio... Me rindo... Me doy... TENGO QUE IRME DE ESTA PUTA CIUDAD!! YAAAAAAAA!! ME URGE JUNTAR EL VARO PARA LARGARME ADONDE NADIE ME CONOZCA!! FRESH START! Eso es lo que necesito!


All or nothing at all if it's love, there ain't no in between why begin then cry, for something that might have been? No, I'd rather have nothing at all. But please don't bring your lips so close to my cheek don't smile or I'll be lost beyond recall the kiss in your eyes, the touch of your hand makes me weak and my heart may go dizzy and fall. And if I fell under the spell of your call I would be caught in the undertow So you see, I've got to say no, no... All or nothing at all!

You know I'm no good

"In other words: hold my hand. In other words: baby, kiss me"